** New premium feature! Take advantage from others getting notified when an order is filled. Available now on Store section inside the app. You don't need to have the app open to receive the notification. **
Increase your profits at Huobi with Profit Trading! Welcome to the the quickest, easiest and best Huobi mobile client. Buy and sell faster at Huobi with a quick and easy to use interface.
Now you can place trailing stop orders at TradingBot section with Extension Pack1!
Get more info about how to make profits with the bot
The app is a full Huobi client with the following sections:
- Buy & sell client:
Buy and sell any currency in Bitcoins with a quick and easy to use interface. Designed to make trading easy, you will love it. Buy and sell Bitcoin (BTC) with USD. Now included BTC, USDT, ETH, HUSD and HT markets.
- Orders:
Check your open and closed orders quickly. Cancel your open orders in an easy way.
- Wallet:
A full list of all the currencies in your wallet with their BTC and FIAT equivalences and the total Bitcoin amount. The best place to control your cryptocurrencies.
- Charts:
Full chart of each coin, with prices and volume history. You can also customize the time range like coinmarketcap. This is a must tool for trading. You can also track BTC realtime chart.
- TradingBot:
Get profits with conditional orders. Configure the market, the coin and the buying and selling prices and let the bot place the orders for you, so you just have to wait and get your profits. Place an optional stoploss to be able to control disadvantage market conditions.
- TradingBot Extension Pack1:
· TrailingStop
Take advantage of the most powerful order to make profits, TrailingStop! Your sell order will get high as the price grows!
· AutoRestart Bot
Now you can configure trading bots to restart when finished it profit was made.
· Bot filled orders notifications
Receive push notifications when your orders created with the trading bot are filled.
* The number of concurrent bots to be used at the same time is 25.
- Hodl section:
Manage your hodl signals and track your benefits, coin buy price, amount, coin last value, signal date and coin increment. Add signals directly from your bought orders in Orders section or place them manually with the coin selector. Every signal has a direct access to its detailed chart.
- Markets ranking section:
Check the trending markets with most benefits in last 24h. Order them by increment, price or name.
Trading at Huobi has never been so easy! Don't wait more and start increasing your profits with Profit Trading for Huobi!
Become a great trader with the app! Increase your Bitcoins now!
** Nouvelle fonctionnalité premium! Tirez profit des avis d'autres personnes lorsqu'une commande est remplie. Disponible maintenant dans la section Store de l'application. Il n'est pas nécessaire que l'application soit ouverte pour recevoir la notification. **
Augmentez vos profits chez Huobi avec Profit Trading! Bienvenue sur le client mobile Huobi le plus rapide, le plus simple et le meilleur. Achetez et vendez plus vite chez Huobi avec une interface simple et rapide à utiliser.
Vous pouvez maintenant placer des ordres stop en fin de session dans la section TradingBot avec Extension Pack1!
Obtenez plus d'informations sur la façon de réaliser des bénéfices avec le bot
L'application est un client Huobi complet avec les sections suivantes:
- Client achat et vente:
Achetez et vendez n’importe quelle monnaie en Bitcoins avec une interface rapide et facile à utiliser. Conçu pour faciliter les échanges, vous allez l'adorer. Achetez et vendez Bitcoin (BTC) avec USD. Désormais inclus les marchés BTC, USDT, ETH, HUSD et HT.
- Ordres:
Vérifiez vos ordres ouverts et fermés rapidement. Annulez facilement vos commandes en cours.
- Portefeuille:
Une liste complète de toutes les devises de votre portefeuille avec leurs équivalences BTC et FIAT et le montant total en Bitcoins. Le meilleur endroit pour contrôler vos crypto-monnaies.
- Graphiques:
Tableau complet de chaque pièce, avec l'historique des prix et des volumes. Vous pouvez également personnaliser la plage de temps comme Coinmarketcap. C'est un outil indispensable pour le commerce. Vous pouvez également suivre le graphique en temps réel BTC.
- TradingBot:
Obtenez des profits avec des commandes conditionnelles. Configurez le marché, la pièce, les prix d’achat et de vente et laissez le bot passer les commandes pour vous, il ne vous reste plus qu’à attendre et à obtenir vos bénéfices. Placez un stoploss optionnel pour pouvoir contrôler les conditions de marché défavorables.
- TradingBot Extension Pack1:
· TrailingStop
Tirez parti de la commande la plus puissante pour faire des profits, TrailingStop! Votre ordre de vente sera élevé à mesure que le prix augmentera!
· AutoRestart Bot
Maintenant, vous pouvez configurer le trading des bots pour qu'ils redémarrent une fois l'opération terminée.
· Notifications de commandes remplies par bot
Recevez des notifications push lorsque vos ordres créés avec le bot commercial sont remplis.
* Le nombre de robots simultanés à utiliser simultanément est de 25.
- section Hodl:
Gérez vos signaux hodl et suivez vos avantages, le prix d’achat des pièces, le montant, la dernière valeur d’une pièce, la date du signal et l’augmentation des pièces. Ajoutez des signaux directement à partir de vos commandes achetées dans la section Commandes ou placez-les manuellement à l'aide du sélecteur de pièces. Chaque signal a un accès direct à sa carte détaillée.
- Section du classement des marchés:
Consultez les tendances des marchés offrant le plus d'avantages au cours des dernières 24h. Commandez-les par incrément, prix ou nom.
Trader chez Huobi n'a jamais été aussi facile! N'attendez plus et commencez à augmenter vos profits avec Profit Trading for Huobi!
Devenez un bon commerçant avec l'application! Augmentez vos Bitcoins maintenant!
** New premium feature! Take advantage from others getting notified when an order is filled. Available now on Store section inside the app. You don't need to have the app open to receive the notification. **
Increase your profits at Huobi with Profit Trading! Welcome to the the quickest, easiest and best Huobi mobile client. Buy and sell faster at Huobi with a quick and easy to use interface.
Now you can place trailing stop orders at TradingBot section with Extension Pack1!
Get more info about how to make profits with the bot
The app is a full Huobi client with the following sections:
- Buy & sell client:
Buy and sell any currency in Bitcoins with a quick and easy to use interface. Designed to make trading easy, you will love it. Buy and sell Bitcoin (BTC) with USD. Now included BTC, USDT, ETH, HUSD and HT markets.
- Orders:
Check your open and closed orders quickly. Cancel your open orders in an easy way.
- Wallet:
A full list of all the currencies in your wallet with their BTC and FIAT equivalences and the total Bitcoin amount. The best place to control your cryptocurrencies.
- Charts:
Full chart of each coin, with prices and volume history. You can also customize the time range like coinmarketcap. This is a must tool for trading. You can also track BTC realtime chart.
- TradingBot:
Get profits with conditional orders. Configure the market, the coin and the buying and selling prices and let the bot place the orders for you, so you just have to wait and get your profits. Place an optional stoploss to be able to control disadvantage market conditions.
- TradingBot Extension Pack1:
· TrailingStop
Take advantage of the most powerful order to make profits, TrailingStop! Your sell order will get high as the price grows!
· AutoRestart Bot
Now you can configure trading bots to restart when finished it profit was made.
· Bot filled orders notifications
Receive push notifications when your orders created with the trading bot are filled.
* The number of concurrent bots to be used at the same time is 25.
- Hodl section:
Manage your hodl signals and track your benefits, coin buy price, amount, coin last value, signal date and coin increment. Add signals directly from your bought orders in Orders section or place them manually with the coin selector. Every signal has a direct access to its detailed chart.
- Markets ranking section:
Check the trending markets with most benefits in last 24h. Order them by increment, price or name.
Trading at Huobi has never been so easy! Don't wait more and start increasing your profits with Profit Trading for Huobi!
Become a great trader with the app! Increase your Bitcoins now!